Preview the final result:
Source and Analysis:
/ / Direct draw with AS menu, features small color blocks will move and move with the mouse.
/ / The following is the main program.
var menuText = new Array ("My collection of pictures," "My music collection", "My personal work,"
"I want the diary," "now wrote to me", "into my book");
/ / Menu label.
var menuURL = new Array ("http:// #", "http:// #", "http:// #", "http:// #",
"", "");
/ / Menu label point to the URL.
var theItem;
/ / Create MC to spend time on this variable.
var i;
/ / Loop variable.
var step;
/ / Blocks of color moving steps.
var running;
/ / Determine whether the moving variable.
/ / Create a new function. May be cited directly this.DrawRect (x, y, w, h);
/ / X, y -> coordinates, w, h -> width and height.
MovieClip.prototype.DrawRect = function (x, y, w, h) (
this.moveTo (x, y);
this.lineTo (x + w, y);
this.lineTo (x + w, y + h);
this.lineTo (x, y + h)
this.lineTo (x, y);
/ / Create menu items function.
/ / Mc -> movie clip x, y -> coordinate w, h -> width and height. Text -> string.
function CreateItem (mc, x, y, w, h, text) (
mc.createTextField ("text", 2, x +10, y, 85, 20);
/ / Create an empty dynamic text paragraph
mc.text.text = text;
/ / Dynamic text segment for the new assignment, color,
mc.text.textColor = 0x000000
/ / Text size with or without borders, can choose.
mc.text.size = 14;
mc.text.border = false;
mc.text.selectable = false;
/ / Start building the menu functions.
function CreateMenu (mc) (
/ / Create a movie clip, and a color block of the above. Name bg -> BackGround.
mc.createEmptyMovieClip ("bg", 1);
/ / Create an empty MC (0x33ccff, 100);
/ / Start filling (0, 0, 90, 20);
/ / Call the function ();
/ / End fill = 50;
/ / Transparency = false;
/ / Visibility
/ / End of the painting.
/ / Start the following cycle.
for (i = 0; i
mc.createEmptyMovieClip ("item" + i, 2 + i);
theItem = mc ["item" + i];
theItem.index = i;
CreateItem (theItem, i * 90, 0, 90, 20, menuText [i]);
/ / Frame start of the action.
theItem.onEnterFrame = function () (
/ / If statement to determine the default condition is "true"
/ / Time when the running == true.
if (running) (
if ( <= step * 90) ( + = 5;
) Else if (> = step * 90 +10) ( -= 5;
/ / Passing motion.
theItem.onRollOver = function () ( = true;
running = true;
step = this.index;
/ / Left movement.
theItem.onRollOut = function () ( = false;
running = false;
/ / Action when clicked.
theItem.onPress = function () (
getURL (menuURL [this.index]);
/ / Loop end.
createEmptyMovieClip ("menu", 10);
/ / Create "menu" movie clip.
menu._y = 0;
/ / Coordinate values.
menu._x = 0;
CreateMenu (menu);
/ / Create the menu.
/ / Put this program on the scene of the first frame, and then run.
/ / I spent a morning writing. Also Minato and.
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